Saturday, March 15, 2014

Removing the fifth wheel assembly. It's amazing how something that was built some 160 years ago comes apart with ease. Not a bolt or nut has broken so far. I probably just jinxed myself with that statement. There are some bolts that I will replace due to them being replaced earlier with hex bolts and it should have square bolts and nuts.

Pivot and axle assembly removed.

The whole front end rests on a male-female pivot and only this one bolt to hold it in place. 

This iron work is quite a work of art.

Next step remove the rear axle. Then move the tub portion to Jacks shop for prep and paint.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Almost final dis assembly.

Sunday my good friend and the person that I seem to get into these projects with Jack Lowe came to the shop to give me a hand with the removal of the pump arms. With a little help from the overhead winch we removed the large parts.

Then it was time to remove the pivot rod and unhook the pump pistons.

Removing the bearing caps from the pivot points.

Now the next step. Removing the fifth wheel and the axles. Then on to sanding bead blasting and prep for paint.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Well under way!

The last few days have been work on the Tub days. It now looks like it is under restoration. With most all the "little's" removed and ready for bead blasting the next step is removing the side rails and supports. I started with that this am but quickly found that I need a second set of hands. And my wife said that hers were not available for this heavy task.

This is the first parts to be blasted, worked well.